A day out at Packwood House National Trust

We became members of the National Trust a few months ago and have already had so much out of our membership.

Previously, on those weekends where we didn’t have much planned, we would perhaps drive into town to spend money on things we didn’t need, or spend the days ‘getting jobs done’ around the house, which frankly is never fun. Now we (I) scour our National Trust handbook to see where we should go visit for the day.

Packwood House National Trust

Admittedly, Mr M isn’t hugely into the history (I like to think I am), but we both love the outdoors and we are both lovers of England and all it has to offer. The National Trust has certainly made us appreciate more of what’s on our doorstep and all of those great places at home you never think to visit.

A couple of weeks back we decided to visit Packwood House, which is not far from where we live. Once described as ‘a house to dream of, a garden to dream in’ Packwood House certainly offers dreamy escapism and there’s something quite enchanting about both the gardens and the house. There’s plenty of countryside to explore as well as various gardens and a newly restored kitchen garden which immediately makes you want to go dig up your back lawn and start ‘growing your own’. The Yew Garden is also quite spectacular – I can’t imagine how many hours it must take to keep those trees so perfectly pruned!

yew garden packwood house

After the gardens we took a leisurely stroll around the lake which has plenty of great spots for a picnic (as usual we hadn’t gone prepared). We also passed a couple of Packwood’s ‘Follies’ – a series of playful artworks created by artist Hilary Jack, which I imagine are great for older children to explore. This had-carved wooden bed structure is one of them – a nod to ‘a garden to dream in’ and (apparently) famous beds in history, folklore and fairytale (so I read).

Packwood House Follies Embedded

Following our morning of exploration, we headed into the Garden Kitchen Café for a bite to eat. We were pleased to discover that afternoon tea was on offer so of course took full advantage of this, stuffing our faces with clotted cream and scones. Taylor may have even been treated to a few cheeky licks…there were of course much healthier options available with everything made fresh – the soups and sandwiches looked particularly tempting (although obviously not as tempting at the cream tea!)

Packwood House lake National Trust

Stomach’s satisfied, we took a tour of the house which was restored in the 1920s and 1930s by Graham Baron Ash who created his own vision of the perfect Tudor house. The house is kept as when he left it in 1941 and as you walk around the house, you really get a feel for the great care and attention to detail that went into the restoration. Highlights for me included the Great Hall (where I think I would’ve enjoyed a party or two!), and the bedroom where Queen Mary stayed when she visited the house in 1927. Mr M, as usual, was rushing me around the rooms, so I didn’t get to take in as much as I would’ve liked, but if you have a thing for Tudor houses, then this is your place.

All in all we had a great family day out and really enjoyed all that Packwood has to offer. I’m sure we will be returning again this summer with a picnic blanket in tow.

Packwood House entrance sign

Life Unexpected

10 thoughts on “A day out at Packwood House National Trust

  1. Sounds like a great day! We love NT membership. It’s been worth the money. What’s the access like here, my son walks in a walking frame. I don’t mind lifting him up and down steps but is it reasonably flat?


    • The access is pretty good. We had our buggy for the most part and we didn’t struggle at all. We took her out of it when we got into the house so I’m not sure how it is in there though. Definitely worth a visit x


  2. We went to Packwood last summer and I absolutely loved it – there was a teddy bear’s picnic in the kitchen garden and I couldn’t get my daughter out. In the end I left her with my dad there and went off the explore more of the grounds on my own 😉 Could have stayed for hours, there’s so much to see, and the National Trust is so brilliant with kids. #whatevertheweather


    • Love the idea of a teddy bear’s picnic, that’s such a cute idea. Will be lovely when Taylor’s old enough to enjoy that sort of thing – the National Trust really is great isn’t it? Thanks for stopping by x


  3. This looks so beautiful. Those gardens are definitely dreamy. But you’re right the upkeep must take hours and hours! This is yet another reminder I must get a NT membership. It looks like it would be really worth it. Thank you so much for linking up to #whatevertheweather x


  4. Look at those gardens! the first photo looks like it’s from a fairytale! What an amazing place to visit and possibly get lost in.

    I love the idea of little follies to find, my boys would love to play in them. A great idea and very entertaining for kids.

    Thanks for linking up to #Whatevertheweather. 🙂 x


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