8 things that will happen when Dad babysits

leaving dad to babysit

1. Dad will call you within 10 minutes of you leaving the house to ask “where do you keep the….?”

2. Baby will be fed something they ‘aren’t allowed’ to eat

3. A takeaway will be ordered

4. Bedtime will be two hours later than usual because “baby was really enjoying Star Wars”

5. At some point in the night, baby will end up in bed with Dad because “she started to cry.”

6. When you get home the following morning, your child will have been either:

  • a) the most difficult they’ve EVER been (“They must be ill, definitely not usually this bad…”) or
  • b) An absolute breeze (“I don’t know why you make out it’s so hard!”)

7. The house will look like it’s been shelled

8. You will be missed


Brilliant blog posts on HonestMum.com

You Baby Me Mummy

6 thoughts on “8 things that will happen when Dad babysits

  1. This is so true but you forget one thing .
    We’ll get everything ready ie sterilise all bottles, get food ready and make sure they have everything to hand to make their job as easy as possible !!! Brilliant I’m yet to have a night off!


    • Haha! Dave did ask me to get ‘everything ready’ down to the clothes she was going to wear – but I told him he could figure it out and he did! He was actually really good – you definitely need to get that night off! x


  2. There is also the scenario where daddy gets home from a hard day at the office, whilst mummy and pals having been in the local cafe/pub catching up with the babies asleep in the prams. And mummy never says I’ve had a lovely day, it’s always been been a hard one. Some one had to stand up for us men x


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